Search Results for: Open RAN

Technologies that will offer higher quality viewing experience & enable new OTT services

Introduction: The use of over-the-top (OTT) solutions to deliver streaming video to the TV and second screen devices is now a reality.  Almost all Internet-connected devices (WiFi, Ethernet, 3G/4G) are capable of receiving multiple sources of OTT video- both free and subscription fee based. Though streaming video services are at the center of OTT, there … Read more

FBR: SDN’s impact on the networks deployed by service providers and large enterprises

Summary: FBR CAPITAL MARKETS & CO sees Software Defined Networking (SDN) adoption driving sales of commodity, low-margin switches at the expense of Cisco/Juniper’s conventional switch/routers. SDN separates the data (packet/frame) forwarding “switch engine” from the control plane “server” and uses the Open Flow protocol to communicate between them. SDN revolutionizes networking implementation by using commodity hardware in both the switch/data forwarding engine (data plane) and centralized… Read more

WSJ: Cable Operators falling behind in race to offer higher broadband access speed + ViodiTV & Editorial

Steady growth in broadband revenue has helped cable operators offset a stagnant pay-TV market in recent years. But now, the industry is resisting pressure from local governments, businesses and universities to offer ultrafast Internet service, opening the door to new competitors. Google Inc. and a host of smaller companies working in partnership with cities like… Read more

ETSI launches Cloud Standards Coordination Program with kick-off workshop in Cannes on 4-5 December 2012

By 2015, the worldwide market for cloud products and services is estimated to reach between €50bn and €80bn. Already there are numerous cloud services on offer, presenting radical new business opportunities which are both disruptive and beneficial at once. In order to address the specific challenges of cloud computing, in September 2012 the European Commission… Read more

Mobile Backaul Market Forecast and Challenges to be Presented at IEEE ComSocSCV Oct 10, 2012 Meeting in Santa Clara

Mobile subscribers’ increased use of smartphones and tablets has caused exponential growth of data and video traffic, which has caused a huge capacity problem for wireless network operators.  Small cells (for spectrum re-use) and heterogeneous networks is one way they are coping capacity constraints on access networks.  WiFi offload is another.  But independent of the mobile… Read more

IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX) Session #81 Meeting Report: September 17-20, 2012 in Indian Wells, CA

Overview: The IEEE 802.16 Working Group’s Session #81 took place on 17-20 September 2012 in Indian Wells, CA, USA in conjunction with the IEEE 802 Wireless Interim meeting.  IEEE Std 802.16-2012, the new revision of the base IEEE 802.16 standard, was pubished on 2012-08-17. IEEE Std 802.16.1-2012, which specifies the IMT-Advanced air interface known as… Read more

Telecom Revolution in India and the Government’s Role in Making it Happen (or not)

Note:  Please see comments at the end of this article for updates and opinions. New Broadband Telecom Projects in India The legendary Sam Pitroda presented the closing keynote speech at TiECon 2012- The Indus Entreprenneurs annual conference. Sam is a pioneer in design and development of digital switching technologies (in the 1970s) and the man behind India’s telecom revolution (in the… Read more

Google’s largest internal network interconnects its Data Centers using Software Defined Network (SDN) in the WAN

Google’s use of SDN in its internal WAN backbone: Urs Hölzle,Sr VP of Technical Infrastructure at Google presented the opening keynote speech at the 2012 Open Network Summit, April 17 in Santa Clara, CA.  The audience was surprised to learn that Google had built its own switches and SDN confrollers for use in its internal… Read more

"Mobile Patent War" to be explored at May 9 IEEE ComSocSCV Meeting

The seemingly never ending “Mobile Patent War”  will be examined from many different perspectives at the May 9 IEEE ComSocSCV Meeting in Santa Clara, CA.   Samsung is co-sponsoring the event and will chair the panel session. Participating companies include: Google, HP, Qualcomm, Rambus, SCU Law Dept and AJIS LLC (our own IEEE member Jonathan Wells).  The panel… Read more

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