Search Results for: Open RAN

TiECon 2011 to offer top technical sessions & mentoring to Communications/IT Professionals

TiEcon 2011- “Innovation Reigns”  will take place at the Santa Clara Convention Center, May 13-14th. The conference always brings together a diverse and dynamic group of leaders from business, technology, venture capital, and media for two days of education, inspiration, and networking. This years event will feature session tracks and keynote speeches focused on several key… Read more

TIA Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Standardization Task Force to have 1st Meeting during TIA 2011

The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) announced it will host a meeting of experts from various Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs) and similar forums from around the world who will look into the trends of machine-to-machine (M2M) standardization. The goal of the meeting is fostering global coordination and harmonization in this very fast growing telecommunications area.  That… Read more

ITU-T Cloud Focus Group Progresses Several Documents at April 2011 Meeting

Introduction ITU-T Focus Group on Cloud Computing (FG Cloud) was established by ITU-T TSAG agreement at its meeting in Geneva, 8-11 February 2010 followed by ITU-T study groups and membership consultation. The Terms of Reference of the Focus Group are available at: The Focus Group will contribute to the telecommunication aspects of cloud computing, i.e.,… Read more


On April 4th, IEEE announced the launch of its new Cloud Computing draft standards. Designed to serve as the catalyst for innovation in the cloud computing arena, it is claimed to be “the first broad-scope, forward-looking cloud computing initiative to be put forth by a global standards development organization (SDO).” These two Cloud standards development projects are being… Read more

Huawei, ZTE and Ericsson to Dominate Telecom Infrastructure Equipment Market – or not?

The Deah of Network Infrastructure Companies- Will Only 3 remain standing? Most network infrastructure equipment companies, with the exception of Chinese based Huawei and ZTE, seem to be either losing money or exiting the business.This includes the big three of Alcatel-Lucent, Nokia-Siemens and Ericsson, but also a whole lot of niche market players that have been… Read more

IEEE 1901 Broadband over Powerline (BoPL) final standard published by IEEE

The IEEE 1901,standardi was finalized in December 2010 and published this week.  It is of keen interest to manufacturers and service providers rolling out home networking services such as smart energy, transportation and Local Area Networks (LANs).  The BoPL standard can be purchased at the IEEE’s website ( or accessed from the  IEEE Xplore Digital Library by… Read more

A Two- Tiered Internet is Upon Us!

And why not?  We already pay for premium Internet content, e..g Netflix and other video streaming, WSJ and other on line newspapers/magazines, telco TV,,,, etc.  It appears that BT Wholesale and Metro PCs in the U.S. will be introducing two tiered networks where customers will pay more for a higher quality of… Read more

Network provider benefits and options in providing cloud computing services

Abstract: Recently, we’ve written about cloud network infrastructure and the need for a UNI and (multiple) NNIs.  For more on that topic, please visit: In this article we look at telco benefits (both internal and external) of deploying cloud services as well as a cloud computing services model.  We believe that cloud computing offers great potential for… Read more

What’s the UNI, NNI and Network Infrastructure needed for Cloud Computing?

Introduction: Cloud computing deployments are being announced on an almost daily basis. Cloud computing accelerates application development and deployment without upfront capital costs for servers and storage. For this reason, many enterprises, governments and network/service providers are now considering adopting cloud computing to provide more efficient and cost effective network services. The Cloud Computing market is… Read more

Highlights of TiE-Silicon Valley Software SIG Meeting: Outook for 2011

Introduction: With the global liquidity picture improving, more early stage companies are being funded by VCs and Angel Investors.  There’ve been more IPOs and some big corporate acquisitions, which provide the needed “exit” for those investors.  Some big M&A deals included: McAfee (Intel), Sybase (SAP) and 3PAR (HP).   There were more IPOs this year too. IPO’s like… Read more

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