Search Results for: Open RAN

Network provider benefits and options in providing cloud computing services

Abstract: Recently, we’ve written about cloud network infrastructure and the need for a UNI and (multiple) NNIs.  For more on that topic, please visit: In this article we look at telco benefits (both internal and external) of deploying cloud services as well as a cloud computing services model.  We believe that cloud computing offers great potential for… Read more

What’s the UNI, NNI and Network Infrastructure needed for Cloud Computing?

Introduction: Cloud computing deployments are being announced on an almost daily basis. Cloud computing accelerates application development and deployment without upfront capital costs for servers and storage. For this reason, many enterprises, governments and network/service providers are now considering adopting cloud computing to provide more efficient and cost effective network services. The Cloud Computing market is… Read more

Highlights of TiE-Silicon Valley Software SIG Meeting: Outook for 2011

Introduction: With the global liquidity picture improving, more early stage companies are being funded by VCs and Angel Investors.  There’ve been more IPOs and some big corporate acquisitions, which provide the needed “exit” for those investors.  Some big M&A deals included: McAfee (Intel), Sybase (SAP) and 3PAR (HP).   There were more IPOs this year too. IPO’s like… Read more

Cloud Computing: Impact on IT Architecture, Data Centers and the Network: July 14th IEEE ComSocSCV meeting

Three keynote talks from VMware, Microsoft and Ericsson will be followed by a lively panel/ Q and A session with Juniper Networks also participating. We are all very excited about this comprehensive and well balanced look at cloud computing from both a computiing and communications perspective. It should be one of the best technical meetings… Read more

ITU Cloud Computing Focus group and IEEE Cloud Computing Standards Study Group- will they fill the standards void?

Introduction- The need for Cloud Computing Standards   Cloud computing deployments are being announced on an almost daily basis.  Cloud computing speeds and streamlines application deployment without upfront capital costs for servers and storage. For this reason, many enterprises, governments and network/service providers are now considering adopting cloud computing to provide more efficient and cost… Read more

CSO Perspectives and SaaS Con report: Cloud Computing Security Remains a Conundrum

Abstract: Prospective and existing cloud computing users often site security as one of their biggest concerns, particularly with public or hybrid clouds.  The lack of standards for security, federated identity, and data handling integrity hasn’t done anything to alleviate those worries.  For example,  Software as a Service (SaaS) or Platform as a Service security contracts… Read more

Workshop Report: Clearwire on track with rollouts and app tools, but MSO partners struggle with Business Models

Disclaimer: Unlike many “would be journalists” that are either always negative on WiMAX, or are perennial Pollyannas that produce an endless stream of recycled “happy talk,” this author tries to be balanced and objective of WiMAX in general and the WiMAX events covered in particular. We have been covering WiMAX for over 6 years now,… Read more

Developer Opportunities with CLEAR WiMAX 4G: Clearwire’s initiative for apps development for WiMax systems

IEEE ComSoc SCV February 10th, 2010 Meeting Report “Developer Opportunities with CLEAR WiMAX 4G” This very informative and exciting meeting drew a large audience of over 85 attendees. Those present heard directly from Clearwire’s about their Silicon Valley Innovation Network (based on IEEE 801.16e-2005/Mobile WiMAX) and tools that are being made available for CLEAR 4G… Read more

Mobile Packet Core + BWA India talks and panel discussions report, IEEE ComSoc SCV chapter Jan 13, 2010 meeting

Introduction: IEEE ComSoc SCV chapter meeting held on January 13, 2010 offered two hot topics of interest to attendees: the Mobile Packet Core (MPC) for 3G and 4G wireless networks and the outlook for Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) in India.  There were two presentations followed by a panel session which covered both the mobile packet… Read more

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