ITU-R WP 5D Dec 2019 meeting #33: activity related to IMT 2020 RIT/SRIT

by ITU-R WP 5D Chair persons with Editor’s Note (and copy edits) by Alan J Weissberger, IEEE Techblog Content Manager

Main activities of WP5D WG Technology Aspects during meeting #33 (Dec 10-13 in Geneva) were:

i) Review additional materials provided by the candidate IMT-2020 RIT/SRIT proponents ETSI (TC DECT) and DECT Forum, Nufront and TSDSI, per the agreed way forward at the 32nd meeting of WP 5D regarding their respective submissions;

ii) Review of external activities in Independent Evaluation Groups (for candidate IMT 2020 RIT/SRITs) through interim evaluation reports;

iii) Continue work on revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1457-14 (specification of terrestrial radio interfaces for IMT-2000)

iv) Start working on Report ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.OUTCOME].

v) Start working on Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.SPECS].

During this meeting, WG Technology Aspects established three Sub-Working Groups (SWG):

–                 SWG Coordination (Chair: Mr. Yoshio HONDA)

–                 SWG Evaluation (Co-Chair: Ms. Ying PENG)

–                 SWG IMT Specifications (Chair: Mr. Yoshinori ISHIKAWA)


Review of updated materials of IMT-2020 submissions:

As per the agreed way forward at the 32nd WP 5D meeting regarding candidate IMT-2020 RIT/SRIT submissions of ETSI (TC DECT) and DECT Forum, Nufront and TSDSI, the respective proponents provided updated materials of their submissions on September 10th of 2019.

After review of these updated materials of submissions under the IMT-2020 Process Step 3 – Submission / reception of the RIT and SRIT proposals and acknowledgement of receipt, the meeting determined that the submissions of ETSI (TC DECT) and DECT Forum, Nufront and TSDSI are “complete” per Section 5 of Report ITU-R M.2411 (Requirements, evaluation criteria and submission templates for the development of IMT-2020).

Editor’s Note:  Also see ITU-R Report M.2412: Guidelines for evaluation of radio interface technologies for IMT-2020.


During the course of this review, documents for observations on the submissions were updated.

Review of interim evaluation reports:

A workshop on IMT-2020 terrestrial radio interfaces evaluation was conducted at beginning of this WP 5D meeting (Dec 10-11, 2019), where the registered independent evaluation groups presented their activities and findings. In addition, some independent evaluation groups also submitted interim evaluation reports. The meeting reviewed these contributions and recorded them.

Report ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.OUTCOME]:

The meeting created the draft detailed workplan and draft working document towards a prelimininary draft new Report ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.OUTCOME] which will collect outcomes from Step 4 to 7 in IMT-2020 development process. Those two documents were carried forward to the next meeting for further work.

Detailed schedule for development of IMT-2020.SPECS:

Detailed workplan for development of draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.SPECS] and its working document were developed in the meeting.  A related liaison statement to the external organizations was also developed.


Editor’s Note: 

IMHO, the IMT 2020.SPECS schedule is NOT realistic, mainly because there isn’t enough time for 5D WG Technology Aspects to evaluate 3GPPs expected Release 16 submission at their June 2020 meeting.  Note that China, Korea and India (TSDSI) have all based their IMT 2020 RIT submissions on 3GPP Release 15 “5G NR” data plane which must be enhanced in IMT 2020.SPECs to meet the ultra high reliability/ultra high latency performance requirements for both the data and control planes.

There are only two more WP 5D meetings in 2020 (see last section below) after the June 2020 5D meeting, yet a complete IMT 2020.SPECs must be submitted by Nov 23, 2020 to ITU-R SG 5 (5D’s parent) for approval.  If not, IMT 2020 will become IMT 2021 (or later if companion IMT 2020 recommendations have not been approved).  What good is it to have a 5G data plane without ultra low latency/ultra high reliability and a 4G (EPC) packet core?  With no 5G network management or 5G security specified (presumably by ITU-T)?

Specifically, what if the 5G Mobile Packet Core (3GPP 5GC), enhanced 5G control plane/signaling, 5G network management, 5G security, etc (all in 3GPP Release 16) are not completed in time to be considered by ITU-R or ITU-T in 2020?

Another danger is IMT 2020.SPECS revision control with multiple RIT submissions dependent on 3GPP 5G NR.  What if some proponents stick with Release 15 NR while others adopt Release 16 NR in July 2020?  And how can all the different proponent IMT 2020 RITs be harmonized to ensure interoperability and roaming?


Objective for the 34th WP 5D meeting – Feb 2020 in Geneva:

The key objectives of WG Technology Aspects for the 34th WP 5D meeting are as follows:

i) Review of external activities and evaluation reports of Independent Evaluation Groups.

ii) Complete evaluation reports summary (IMT-2020/ZZZ).

iii)    Continue working on a new Report ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.OUTCOME].

iv) Continue the work on “Over-the-air (OTA) TRP field measurements for IMT radio equipment utilizing AAS” based on the requested response from 3GPP and expected input from other organisations and administrations.

v) Continue working on revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1457-14.

vi) Continue working on new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT-2020. SPECS]

Submitted by Ying Peng, Chair, SWG Evaluation



Under agenda item 4 (PDN Rec. ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.SPECS]), the meeting received two input contributions from Korea, Japan and China.

Both contributions proposed the detailed work plan for developing the new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.SPECS] and the working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation.

The meeting reviewed those proposals and discussed the work plan and contents for the working document and agreed the detailed work plan and the working document towards a PDNR (preliminary draft new report).

Detailed workplan and working document towards PDNR M. [IMT‑2020.OUTCOME]

The meeting created the draft detailed work plan and draft working document towards PDNR M.[IMT-2020.OUTCOME] based on the carried forward document and input contributions to this meeting. Two TEMP Documents were created accordingly and will be carried forward to the next meeting.


Meeting #33 also created a liaison statement to relevant External Organizations (RIT/SRIT Proponents, potential GCS Proponent(s) of IMT-2020) to request the inputs to 34th and 35th meetings in accordance with Doc. IMT-2020/21. WG-IMT Specification seeks approval of this liaison in WG Technology Aspects Plenary and WP 5D Plenary.

Submitted by Yoshinori ISHIKAWA, Chairman, SWG IMT Specifications



Detailed specifications of the terrestrial radio interfaces of International
Mobile Telecommunications-2020 (IMT-2020)


This Recommendation identifies the terrestrial radio interface technologies of International Mobile Telecommunications-2020 (IMT-2020) and provides the detailed radio interface specifications.

Korea, Japan:

[These radio interface specifications detail the features and parameters of IMT-2020, which enable worldwide compatibility, international roaming, access to the services under the usage scenarios including enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), massive machine type communications (mMTC) and ultra-reliable and low latency communications (URLLC).]


[These radio interface specifications detail the features and parameters of IMT-2020. This Recommendation includes the capability to ensure compatibility, international roaming, access to enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), massive machine type communications (mMTC) and ultra reliability and low latency communications (URLLC).]


For more details on skeleton IMT 2020.SPECs and related work plan, please see:

China ITU-R WP5D submission: work plan and working document for IMT-2020.SPECS


Because of their ultra critical importance we repeat the objectives of the last three WP 5D meetings in 2020:

Meeting No. 35 (Jun. 2020, [China])

1   Receive and review information, including the texts for its RIT/SRIT overview sections, List of Global Core Specifications and Certification B by GCS Proponents[1].

2   Reach its conclusion on the acceptability of the proposed materials for inclusion in the working document towards PDN Rec. ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.SPECS].

3   Finalizes the working document including specific technologies (not necessarily including the detailed transposition references) and provisionally agree for promoting the document to preliminary draft new Recommendation.

4   Provide and send liaison of the provisionally agreed preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.SPECS] to the relevant GCS Proponents and Transposing Organizations for their use in developing their inputs of the detailed references.

Meeting No. 36 (Oct. 2020, [India])

1   Update PDNR if there are modifications proposed by GCS Proponent.

2   Perform a quality and completion check of the provisionally agreed final draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.SPECS] without the hyperlinks.

3   Have follow-up communications initiated with GCS Proponents and/or Transposing Organizations, if necessary.

Meeting No. 36bis (Nov. 2020, Geneva)

1   Receive Transposition references and Certification C from each Transposing Organization.

2   Perform the final quality and completeness check (with detailed transposition references) of the preliminary draft new Recommendation and promotes it to draft new Recommendation.

3   —>Send the draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.SPECS] to Study Group 5 for consideration (at their Nov 23-24, 2020 meeting).

[1]   If the GCS Proponentrnal (potential GCS Proponent) decides to use DIS style, it doesn’t need to submit List of Global Core Specifications but needs to submit full materials for describing its RIT/SRIT in the Recommendation and Form B.


6 thoughts on “ITU-R WP 5D Dec 2019 meeting #33: activity related to IMT 2020 RIT/SRIT

  1. TSDSI’s submission accepted as a candidate for evaluation as an IMT-2020 (5G) standard at Dec 2019 ITU-R WP 5D meeting

    Telecom Standards Development Society, India (TSDSI), a national SDO responsible for the development of Indian telecom standards, has successfully introduced an indigenous developed 5G candidate standard at the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) WP-5D Meeting in Geneva held during December 10-13, 2019. The TSDSI 5G technology will deliver, in addition to the ultra-fast, low-latency mobile internet and next-generation IoT services in both cellular and mm-wave spectral bands common to all 5G candidate standards, an additional technological enhancement that has the ability to provide broadband connectivity to rural users using ultra-long range cell sites. This enhancement will ensure 100% of India’s villages can be covered from towers located at panchayat villages where Bharatnet reaches, whereas nearly a third of such neighboring villages would be out of coverage otherwise. The Indian 5G submission exploits a new transmit waveform that increases cell range developed by research institutions in India and supported by some Indian companies.

    The ITU, a UN body that that sets requirements for 5G, had earlier adopted the so-called Low-Mobility-Large-Cell (LMLC) use case as a mandatory 5G requirement in 2017. This requirement was adopted by ITU mainly as a result of sustained effort by Indian Government (DOT) and TSDSI to address the unique Indian rural broadband deployment scenario. Several countries supported this use case as they saw a similar need in their jurisdictions as well. During the recently concluded ITU-R WP-5D meeting, the TSDSI 5G submission passed a key milestone (STEP-3), where the Indian proposal was accepted as a candidate for evaluation as an IMT-2020 (5G) standard.

    Adoption of TSDSI’s 5G standard in India will enable India to leapfrog in the 5G space, with key innovations introduced by Indian entities accepted as part of global wireless standards for the first time. The nation stands to gain enormously both in achieving the required 5G penetration in rural and urban areas as well as in nurturing the nascent Indian R&D ecosystem to make global impact. TSDSI’s efforts are aligned with the national digital communication policy that promotes innovation, equipment design and manufacturing out of India for the world market. The TSDSI 5G standard also has the potential to make a significant impact in several countries with poor rural broadband wireless coverage. TSDSI remains committed to the development of globally harmonized 5G standards with substantial innovations to address hitherto neglected needs of countries such as India.

  2. ITU Joint Coordination Activity (JCA) on IMT 2020 (JCA-IMT2020)
    The JCA is progressing this work in a form of roadmap of IMT 2020 standardization.
    JCA-IMT2020 will keep updating this roadmap which is available along with Scope and Terms of Reference:

    IMT 2020 related standards (many are tangentially related at best):

  3. Is IMT 2020 irrelevant?

    Verizon, Vodafone, Others Team Up for ‘Interoperable’ 5G Specs

    A half dozen major global operators announced the formation of the 5G Future Forum to “collaborate to develop interoperable 5G specifications across key geographic regions.” América Móvil, KT, Rogers, Telstra, Verizon and Vodafone are the group’s founding members.

    “The 5G Future Forum will focus on the creation of uniform interoperability specifications to improve speed to market for developers and multinational enterprises working on 5G-enabled solutions,” Verizon stated in a brief release announcing the formation of the association. “In addition, Forum participants will develop public and private marketplaces to enhance developer and customer access to 5G, and will share global best practices in technology deployment.”

    Verizon representatives declined to comment beyond the group’s press release. It’s not clear how the group might interact with similar standards efforts in the global wireless industry. Groups working in similar areas range from the 3GPP to ATIS to the NGMN.

    A Verizon rep said the group would be similar to Verizon’s 5G Technology Forum (5GTF) that the operator formed in 2015 with vendors Ericsson, Qualcomm, Intel, LG, Cisco and Samsung. That group developed the 5GTF transmission standard that Verizon used for the initial launch of its 5G Home fixed wireless Internet service. Verizon scrapped that effort last year and is moving forward with 3GPP-capable equipment for its 5G Home service. Operator executives have said that Verizon’s 5GTF work helped the operator move more quickly into the 5G arena in general and fixed wireless services specifically.

    Team-ups and exclusions
    The members of the new 5G Future Forum already have plenty of things in common. For example, Verizon and Vodafone are already teaming up in edge computing with Amazon’s AWS. They are among the first operators to officially support the cloud computing vendor’s Wavelength 5G edge computing service, introduced late last year.

    Separately, América Móvil’s US MVNO, TracFone, heavily uses Verizon’s network for its various prepaid brands in the US, which stretch from Straight Talk to Simple Mobile.

    And Verizon has often highlighted its corporate ties to South Korean operators including KT in the past.

    Finally, as VentureBeat pointed out, there are no Chinese operators in the 5G Future Forum, despite the fact that China Mobile itself could rack up as many as 100 million 5G customers this year. That probably doesn’t come as much of a surprise though given the increasingly heated debate over the role of China and Chinese suppliers like Huawei in the global move toward 5G technology.

    — Mike Dano, Editorial Director, 5G & Mobile Strategies, Light Reading | @mikeddano

  4. Are 3GPP and ITU now irrelevant for 5G specs?

    The 5G Future Forum will collaborate to develop interoperable 5G specifications across key geographic regions, including the Americas, Asia-Pacific and Europe. The Forum’s founding members are América Móvil, KT, Rogers, Telstra, Verizon and Vodafone.

    The 5G Future Forum will focus on the creation of uniform interoperability specifications to improve speed to market for developers and multinational enterprises working on 5G-enabled solutions. In addition, Forum participants will develop public and private marketplaces to enhance developer and customer access to 5G, and will share global best practices in technology deployment.

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