SDFI: Denmark Achieves 94.5% Gigabit Broadband Internet Coverage

New data from the Broadband Mapping 2023 report by the Danish Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency (SDFI) reveals that 97.5% of homes and businesses in Denmark now have access to high-speed broadband internet access.

The latest report from the Styrelsen for Dataforsyning og Infrastruktur (SDFI) sheds light on Denmark’s regional broadband coverage rates. The Region North Jutland has almost reached a 100 percent coverage rate.

According to the report, the coverage rate in Northern Jutland stands at an impressive 98.9%. Central Jutland closely follows with 97.7% coverage, while Southern Denmark boasts a coverage rate of 98.3%t. Zealand, the country’s largest island, achieves a solid coverage rate of 98%.

Although the country has made progress in digital connectivity, according to SDFI, there are still regional disparities in coverage. The Capital Region of Hovedstaden lags behind the other regions with a coverage rate of 96.2% (compared to Northern Jutland with 98.9%). Further, 94.5% of all households in Denmark can access Gigabit speeds, an increase of 2.6 percentage points year-on-year.

The report highlights the ongoing efforts of telecommunications companies in deploying broadband across the country. According to SDFI, 97.5% of homes and businesses currently can access fast broadband with speeds of at least 100 Mbps download and 30 Mbps upload. Moreover, 94.5% of users have access to gigabit speeds, representing a 2.6 percent increase from last year.

The findings of the SDFI report demonstrate Denmark’s commitment to improving broadband infrastructure and connectivity nationwide. As the country continues to prioritize digital transformation, it will pave the way for a more connected and digitally empowered society.
