Growth of Mobile Broadband Limited Without Investments in 4G Networks

While the pump is primed for mobile broadband, significant investments in next-generation broadband wireless networks will be needed to deliver on the promise and potential of the mobile internet experience.   If that is not the case, then all the predictions for explosive mobile Internet growth are a myth- similar to the Internet traffic growth stories of the late 1990s

Read the complete article at:

Alan Weissberger

IEEE ComSoc SCV Vice Chair

IEEE 802.16m Draft 1 goes to WG letter ballot- 4G version of WiMAX moves closer to standardization

Report of IEEE 802.16m Meeting -Session #62 on 13-16 July 2009 in San Francisco, CA

Most notably, the IEEE 802/16 Working Group met a major milestone by agreeing to open a letter ballot on the first draft (P802.16m/D1) under the 802.16m project. The 16m Task Group will issue a request for input on specific technical topics (LBS, E-MBS, Relay, and SON- see below for acronym definitions), to be submitted prior to Session #63 in Jeju, Korea and discussed at Session #63.5 on the big island of Hawaii.

The IEEE 802.16 Session #62 Report summarizes the outcomes:

From Jose Puthenkulam, IEEE 802.16 Vice Chair:

The important news items are:

– The first IEEE 802.16m Draft Standard (D1) will be issued shortly, before August 1st.

– The 802.16 Working Group Letter Ballot on the IEEE 802.16m Draft Standard will start soon after.

– A lot of contributions (60) on 802.16m Femto-cells were submitted last week. Work on Femtocells will continue throughout the letter ballot phase.

– Also optional features like Enhanced Location Based Services (LBS), Enhanced Multicast-Broadcast Services (EMBS), Integrated Relay and Self Organizing Networks (SON) will start being developed soon.

– The IMT-Advanced Proposal development also progressed very well. The complete proposal will be ready by mid September and finalized by the Sept 21-24 Hawaii meeting.

– IEEE 802.16m Systems are expected to deliver performance >300Mbps in 4×4 MIMO configurations using 20MHz channels

From Siavash Alamouti, CTO of Intel’s Mobile Wireless Group – on IEEE 802.16m capabilities in the 2010-2011 timeframe:

-Peak sector throughput over 300 Mbps Downlink* (in a 20 MHz channel)
-TDD & FDD support
-Multi-carrier support; BW of up to 100 MHz
-Increased VoIP capacity
-Even lower link access latencies
-Enhanced coverage
-Enhanced multi-radio coexistence and inter-technology handover
-Integrated multi-hop relay
-Self-organizing base stations
-Increased mobility: Up to 350 km/hr*

*Note: Actual mobility & throughput depends on environmental conditions and Service Provider provisioning. Aggregate peak sector throughput calculated using 20 MHz channel for Downlink.

References for IEEE 802.16m:

Observation: It appears that IEEE 802.16m is a lot closer to standardization then 3GPP’s LTE Advanced. If so, it is likely to be implemented sooner – assuming IEEE 802.16e (Mobile WiMAX) is a commercial success.

Alan J Weissberger

IEEE ComSoc SCV Program Chair and Vice Chair

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