IEEE 802.16m Draft 1 goes to WG letter ballot- 4G version of WiMAX moves closer to standardization
Report of IEEE 802.16m Meeting -Session #62 on 13-16 July 2009 in San Francisco, CA
Most notably, the IEEE 802/16 Working Group met a major milestone by agreeing to open a letter ballot on the first draft (P802.16m/D1) under the 802.16m project. The 16m Task Group will issue a request for input on specific technical topics (LBS, E-MBS, Relay, and SON- see below for acronym definitions), to be submitted prior to Session #63 in Jeju, Korea and discussed at Session #63.5 on the big island of Hawaii.
The IEEE 802.16 Session #62 Report summarizes the outcomes:
From Jose Puthenkulam, IEEE 802.16 Vice Chair:
The important news items are:
– The first IEEE 802.16m Draft Standard (D1) will be issued shortly, before August 1st.
– The 802.16 Working Group Letter Ballot on the IEEE 802.16m Draft Standard will start soon after.
– A lot of contributions (60) on 802.16m Femto-cells were submitted last week. Work on Femtocells will continue throughout the letter ballot phase.
– Also optional features like Enhanced Location Based Services (LBS), Enhanced Multicast-Broadcast Services (EMBS), Integrated Relay and Self Organizing Networks (SON) will start being developed soon.
– The IMT-Advanced Proposal development also progressed very well. The complete proposal will be ready by mid September and finalized by the Sept 21-24 Hawaii meeting.
– IEEE 802.16m Systems are expected to deliver performance >300Mbps in 4×4 MIMO configurations using 20MHz channels
From Siavash Alamouti, CTO of Intel’s Mobile Wireless Group – on IEEE 802.16m capabilities in the 2010-2011 timeframe:
-Peak sector throughput over 300 Mbps Downlink* (in a 20 MHz channel)
-TDD & FDD support
-Multi-carrier support; BW of up to 100 MHz
-Increased VoIP capacity
-Even lower link access latencies
-Enhanced coverage
-Enhanced multi-radio coexistence and inter-technology handover
-Integrated multi-hop relay
-Self-organizing base stations
-Increased mobility: Up to 350 km/hr*
*Note: Actual mobility & throughput depends on environmental conditions and Service Provider provisioning. Aggregate peak sector throughput calculated using 20 MHz channel for Downlink.
References for IEEE 802.16m:
Observation: It appears that IEEE 802.16m is a lot closer to standardization then 3GPP’s LTE Advanced. If so, it is likely to be implemented sooner – assuming IEEE 802.16e (Mobile WiMAX) is a commercial success.
Alan J Weissberger
IEEE ComSoc SCV Program Chair and Vice Chair
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