IMT-2020 standardization activity roadmap from ITU-T

ITU-T Joint Coordination Activity for IMT2020 (JCA‑IMT2020) is starting a new project called the IMT-2020 standardization activity roadmap. It will be based on the information provided by ITU-T SGs and activities outside of ITU-T. It is available from the JCA-IMT2020 website.

Editor’s Note:  As we’ve noted many times in these techblog posts, ITU-R WP5D has overall responsibility for the IMT 2020 standards, to be completed in late 2020.

IMT 2020 (standardized 5G) will not just be an extension of 4G.  In addition to offering increased bandwidth and capacity, as was the focus in previous wireless generations, 5G will provide very low latency, high density and high reliability. These capabilities will enable a variety of use cases, facilitating the creation of new, predominantly business focused services.


The objective of the roadmap is to support IMT-2020 standardization coordination. IMT-2020 is an important topic for the telecommunications industry, and many standardization-related activities are held in various entities.

The JCA is progressing this work in a form of roadmap of IMT2020 standardization.

JCA-IMT2020 will keep updating this roadmap, and therefore we solicit your information about updates. If you send us the latest information of your activity related to 5G as well as Network Function Virtualization (NFV), programmable networks, self-managed networks, slicing (including orchestration and capability exposure), fixed-mobile convergence (FMC) and Information-Centric Networking (ICN) and elaborations that are strongly related to IMT‑2020, we will reflect it in the next version, which will be published after the next JCA‑IMT2020 meeting.

ITU-T member organizations may submit updates using the template to be found in Appendix below.

In addition, we invite the representatives of the ITU-T Study Groups, SDOs, fora to nominate a representative to this group.

JCA-IMT2020 will meet next time in Geneva on 10 November 2017, 16:00 -17:30 during the next ITU-T SG13 meeting.


Scott Mansfield



Tel: +1 613724 931 93169636171

Email: [email protected]


Ying Cheng
China Unicom

Tel: +86-10-66259394

Fax: +86-10-66259154

Email: [email protected]

Editor’s Note:

The Focus Group on network aspects of IMT-2020 was established in May 2015 to analyse how emerging 5G technologies will interact in future networks as a preliminary study into the networking innovations required to support the development of 5G systems. The group took an ecosystem view of 5G research of development and published the analysis in a Report to its parent group, ITU-T Study Group 13​.

The FG was terminated in December 2016 having completed it’s work.


Appendixtemplate to provide information on IMT-2020-related activities

Activity domain

Stage (topic)



Title of deliverable

Scope of deliverable

Current status

Starting date

Target date



Network Slicing



Use cases Framework Requirements Architecture Protocol


SDO, and WG if possible

Name | acronym | Reference

This document aims to …

Draft ITU-T Recommendation | International Standard | Specification

2 thoughts on “IMT-2020 standardization activity roadmap from ITU-T

  1. Paving the Way to 5G:
    According to the most recent GSA report (10 July 2017), at the end of 2Q-2017, 601 total commercial LTE networks, including 197 LTE-Advanced or 4G networks, have been launched. 471 of the current LTE networks are FDD (Frequency Division Duplexing) only, 98 are TDD (Time Division Duplexing) only, and 32 are a mix. In order to reach the 1 Gbps throughput and render those 4G and 4.5G networks closer to 5G, there is an ongoing race of LTE-Advanced upgrades that consist of adding more antennas and going with higher order of modulation.
    Source: The Rise of 5G: Rethinking the Cellular Network, by Stephane Teral of IHS-Markit


    3GPP asks WP 5D in this liaison if WP 5D could review its year-end 2020 schedule for IMT-2020 to provide some additional time for the provision of the transposed standards URL references to ITU-R for finalization of the new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.SPECS].

    Adjustment to the 3GPP Release 16 Schedule:
    In RAN Plenary #82, 3GPP amended the development schedule for 5G Release 16 to better reflect the complexities of the technology specifications development work. This was done in order to properly facilitate the sequencing of work between 3GPP RAN working groups for overall specification stability. Annex 1 shows this amended Release 16 schedule.

    Global Core Specification (GCS) for IMT-2020 process Step 8:
    3GPP plans to use the June 2020 specification output from the 3GPP Plenaries. In particular, the output of RAN #88 (15-18 June 2020), when Release 16 ASN.1 freeze milestone is concluded, will be the primary basis of the IMT-2020 separate GCSs that correspond to the 3GPP submissions of the NR RIT (Releases 15 & 16) and the LTE/NR SRIT (Releases 15 & 16)2. These specifications will establish the primary basis of the Global Core Specification (GCS) that the 3GPP GCS Proponent will provide to ITU-R WP 5D in time for the WP 5D Meeting #35 (24 June -1 July 2020). This is in anticipation of the detailed ITU-R schedule for IMT-2020 Step 8.
    The approved June 2020 version of the 3GPP specifications will be used by the 3GPP Transposing Organizations (TOs) for their individual standards transpositions, and for the creation of the relevant URL references to be provided to ITU-R for inclusion in the draft new Recommendation under Step 8 of the IMT-2020 process. It is expected that the published versions of the specifications from the June 2020 Plenary will be available to the Organizational Partners (OPs) by 6 July 2020 to initiate their transposition work.

    Anticipation of Schedules:
    While the normal detailed sequencing schedule used in IMT technology Recommendations for IMT-2020 Step 8 has not yet been communicated officially (via liaison) to the External Organizations by WP 5D, the 3GPP TOs have considered the usual milestones of the IMT process in their work planning analysis, assisted by consultations with the ITU-R WP 5D Chairman and the Chair of the WP 5D Work Plan Ad Hoc group.
    Based on a typical schedule for the URL references for ITU-R IMT technology Recommendations, the URL references for IMT-2020 need to be supplied by the TOs to ITU-R approximately 30 days ahead of the planned WP 5D Meeting #36 (7-14 October 2020). This lead time is needed in order for the Radiocommunication Bureau to compile all the TOs’ references and tables into the final draft version for all technologies included in Step 8 in time for WP 5D Meeting #36. The deadline for these URL references and related information to be sent to the Radiocommunication Bureau by the TOs would thusly be expected to be planned for 7 September 2020 by the ITU-R. WP 5D will conclude the draft Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.SPECS] in its Meeting #36 and forward it to ITU-R Study Group 5 for initiating final ITU-R approval.
    3GPP notes that with the complexities of 5G as a new generation of technology and the importance of the new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.SPECS] globally for all stakeholders (including support for the results of WRC-19), any additional time afforded to the External Organizations in Step 8 for provision of the URL references would be of great benefit to all the radio interface technology proponents, not just 3GPP.
    3GPP welcomes any accommodation WP 5D might make concerning the scheduling of the work to conclude the first release of Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.SPECS] and kindly asks for feedback to 3GPP from that discussion.
    Annex 1. 3GPP has agreed revised completion dates for Release 16 – schedule shifted out by 3 months:
    Release 16 RAN-1 Freeze RAN # 86 December 2019
    Release 16 RAN Stage 3 Freeze RAN # 87 March 2020
    Release 16 ASN.1 Freeze RAN # 88 June 2020
    Release 16 RAN-4 Freeze RAN # 89 September 2020
    Submitted on behalf of the 3GPP Proponent of the 3GPP submission, which is collectively the 3GPP Organizational Partners (OPs). The 3GPP OPs are ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TSDSI, TTA and TTC (

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