Big 5 Event: wireless connectivity use cases for healthcare, network slicing, security and private networks

Emerging use cases for wireless telecommunications technology was discussed at the Big 5G event in Austin, TX last week in a panel session titled, “Future connectivity use cases and the Holy Grail: Private networks, metaverse, 6G and beyond.”  The questions addressed included:

  • Who is monetizing private networks and what are we learning from their experiences?
  • Should telcos move past targeting only large enterprise customers for 5G services?
  • When will the metaverse take off?
  • How are telcos gearing up for 6G and what are the expectations?

Jodi Baxter, vice president for 5G and IoT connectivity at Telus, described the numerous emerging applications of 5G in healthcare. One example is a connected ambulance project carried out with Alberta Health Services, where, thanks to 5G, doctors can remotely issue authorizations necessary for stroke medication, which needs to be administered within a narrow time window.

Some of the applications developed for the healthcare sector can also be included in telcos’ offerings to corporate customers. Baxter said Telus has included remote doctor and nurse consultations in 5G bundles for small businesses, which can help their staff retention rates.  Healthcare companies are also looking at more specific applications, with Baxter citing the example of a healthcare company that would wish to track hip and knee replacements with 5G.

While sustainability is often seen as an unprofitable endeavor, Baxter argued technology can help customers see a return on investment. One of Telus’s projects in this area uses drones and 5G for reforestation.


Omdia’s research has shown that about a fifth of midsized to large enterprises “want to invest in 5G network slicing in the next two years, but most people cannot find a commercial offer,” said Camille Mendler, chief analyst of enterprise services at Omdia. “[It’s] not there yet, which is a problem, right?” she added.  Note that 5G network slicing requires a 5G SA core network, which most 5G service providers have yet to deploy.

Baxter noted that network slicing will be a game changer for security and transportation of critical data. The panel pointed to autonomous vehicles as another potential application that will require its own slice. She also said slicing will be important for ensuring applications from private 5G networks also have a macro capability.

Lori Thomas, senior vice president for strategic engagement and transformation at MetTel, pointed out that a lot of government agencies are currently looking to bring specific functionalities from the private network onto the public network, and make them accessible in edge devices such as laptops and tablets.


William Britton, vice president for information technology and CIO at California Polytechnic State University, said it is not always easy to figure out how products offered by telecom companies apply to specific use cases. The university has been told to “go elsewhere” by providers when it has approached them about possible 5G applications, as the solutions on offer did not meet requirements, he said.

Speaking about the particular needs of his university, he highlighted the significant demand for bandwidth during limited events, such as course registration, as well as ad hoc scenarios like high data throughput during online gaming events.

A big concern for universities in general is cybersecurity. Britton points out that the education sector has become a massive target for cyberattacks, such as malware and ransomware. Indeed, research suggests that attacks on educational organizations grew by 44% in 2022, while data from endpoint protection firm Emsisoft suggests that the number of individual schools impacted by ransomware attacks also grew.

Security is a major priority for organizations everywhere, not just in the education sector. Thomas points to IoT, where vast amounts of data travel at high speeds, which is particularly attractive for bad actors. Once 5G can be coupled with blockchain, she noted, data security will improve.

One way to look at specific use cases is through innovation labs, with Thomas saying in the short term these can accelerate the time to revenue. She pointed to MetTel’s partnership with SpaceX and VMware, which saw the latter company’s software-defined wide area network deployed over Starlink to bring high-bandwidth communications to remote areas.

Thomas also said demand for more bandwidth was one of the key trends in the public sector. Customers are, according to her, looking at technologies including 5G fixed wireless access (FWA) and satellites to secure it.

A lot of innovation has focused on private networks, but the “real money” lies outside of them, said Mendler.  No further details were provided.

Omdia’s Camille Mendler says companies cannot find commercial network slicing. 
Source: JLeitner Photography



One thought on “Big 5 Event: wireless connectivity use cases for healthcare, network slicing, security and private networks

  1. Nokia survey claims 79% of companies recover their investment in private networks within six months

    Worker safety was the main reason for investing in a private wireless network, according to a Nokia survey of 79 directors of multinational companies from multiple sectors, including manufacturing, transportation and logistics, natural resources and energy companies.  It was mentioned by  98% of the companies surveyed. The second reason mentioned was to improve the reliability of critical processes, 94% of the companies, and the third reason was to automate data collection processes, mentioned by 91% of the companies.

    The survey results are in a report titled, “Industrial-Grade Wireless Private Networks and Companies’ Digital Transformation Plans,” prepared in conjunction with analytics firm Global Data.

    The main benefit expected from installing a private wireless network is simple, economical and reliable connectivity, mentioned by 63% of the companies, followed by an increase in efficiency and productivity, mentioned by 52%, and thirdly, a reduction in accidents and improved worker safety, mentioned by 39%.

    With respect to return on investment (ROI), 1% of the companies recovered their investment in one week, 20% recovered it in one month and 58% recovered it in a period of between two and six months. Adding up the percentages, we can conclude that 79% of the companies surveyed recovered their investment in less than 6 months, confirming the high ROI of an investment in a private wireless network.

    The results of the study highlighted the directors’ concern for the security of their technology and telecommunications infrastructure (ICT), with 55% of the companies considering it to be their top priority at this time. The second priority is maintaining business continuity, mentioned by 44% of the companies, and in third place is the fulfillment of sustainability and social responsibility (ESG) objectives, mentioned by 36% of the companies.

    Nokia has deployed mission-critical networks for more than 2,600 enterprise customers in the transportation, energy, large enterprises, manufacturing, ports, webscale and public sector around the world. Nokia has also deployed 595 private wireless networks in companies in multiple sectors around the world and has been cited by several analysts as the world leader in this market.

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