TÉRAL Research: Sharp declines in Wireless Infrastructure Market 1Q-2024

The global wireless infrastructure market, including 2G/3G/4G/5G RAN and core networks, experienced significant declines both sequentially (-31%) and YoY (-26%) in 1Q-2024. However, these declines are not unprecedented.

“Such decline has happened before in 2002 and 2003 due to a sharp decrease in TDMA and PDC systems shipments, as well as in the post-LTE peak era from 2016 to 2019, when each year’s first quarter posted a 20%+ YoY decline. And that’s not all, looking at bellwether Ericsson’s networks sales historical data, 1Q was also down 20%+ sequentially during the 5G boom,” said Stéphane Téral, Founder and Chief Analyst at TÉRAL RESEARCH.

Huawei continues to be the largest wireless network infrastructure vendor, Nokia and ZTE Corporation’s lost market share, while Samsung Networks position was steady.

Téral states that 2024 marks the third consecutive year of a wireless disinvestment cycle yet the market is poised for a slight rebound in 2H2024 driven by open RAN and 5G upgrades.


Stéphane attended Oracle’s Applications & Industries Analyst Summit at the Oracle Conference Center in Redwood Shores, California. This two-day event showcased how Oracle is integrating Generative AI into its Fusion Data Intelligence Platform, enhancing ERP, EPM, SCM, HCM, and CX applications with AI-powered updates. Oracle’s industry verticals, particularly their 5G CSP monetization and digital experience strategies, promise to end the 5G monetization drought. With Oracle migrating databases to its cloud and leveraging AI, CSPs can expect increased efficiency and growth.




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